Saturday, February 28, 2015

Daredevil Vs Black Panther

Welcome! Jeremy here with another Fabled Fight! Today we have two Marvel heroes who will duke it out for our entertainment, Daredevil and Black Panther.Time for our brief analysis of each fighter and then the verdict!

 Daredevil (Mattthew Murdock)
--- Master martial artist and acrobatic
--- He's blind, but could kick our butts due to his enhanced senses that let him map out his environment
--- Very intelligent
--- Skilled lawyer. Maybe justice really is blind.
--- Wields an extendable cane to bludgeon enemies. Gets him called "Gramps" a lot.

 Black Panther (T'Challa)
--- Senses and strength increased thanks to a miraculous herb. Why doesn't parsley ever do anything like that for me?
--- Skilled in unarmed combat, using wild, animal-like attacks
--- Tactical genius 
--- Did you know panthers aren't a species? We just call black leopards or jaguars "panthers."
--- Suit provides protection against attack, and boots boost agility
--- Marries Storm from the X-Men

Black Panther wins. Both Daredevil and Panther possess some impressive fighting skills and clever minds, but Panther is known to have beaten Captain America and Wolverine in combat. Panther's suit also seems more useful in combat, and I'm confident he would trumph against Daredevil. Our winner is the Black Panther.
Thanks for reading!

 My final thoughts: Daredevil may have lost to the Black Panther, but he should propose to the Black Widow soon; the two have long shared a romance.

 Today in the life of a Jeremy: Sleep is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I had the best nap today after I finished working. Kindergarten taught me well.

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