Thursday, February 26, 2015

Captain America Vs Captain Britain

Hi, Jeremy here with another Fabled Fight! Today with have Captain America of Avengers fame battling Captain Britain of ... uh... I'm sure his mom thinks he's famous. Anyway, time for our brief analysis of each fighter and then the verdict!

 Captain America
--- Peak Human Strength and Durability
--- Peak Human Reflexes and Agility
--- Intelligent
--- Honestly, kinda vanilla.
--- Skilled in hand-to-hand combat
--- Had an awful movie come out in the 90's. Don't watch it.
--- Fights for the American principles: Truth, Freedom, and Butter. 
--- Fights with adamantium shield

 Captain Britain
--- Superhuman Strength and Durability
--- Super Reflexes and Agility
--- Intelligent
--- Enjoys teatime
--- Powers fluctuate with his confidence level
--- Can fly
--- God Save The Queen

My fellow Americans, we may have won the Revolutionary War, but Captain Britain dominates Captain America. It's really not even close. America's powers represent the peak of human capability, while Britain's are superhuman. In addition, Britain can fly, and is just as intelligent as America. Our winner is Captain Britain. Thanks for reading!

My final thoughts: You know the Hulk? His strength increases the angrier he gets, so there's theoretically no limit to his power. And if the same applies for Captain Britain, with his confidence level... who would win between the angriest Hulk ever and the cockiest Britain ever? 

Today in the life of a Jeremy: Might be painting my room soon. Right now it's this ugly shade of yellow-orange that I wouldn't bestow upon my worst enemy.

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