Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Link Vs Megaman

Hi there! Jeremy here, with today's Fabled Fight, a clash between the Legend of Zelda's hero Link, and Megaman from.. well, Megaman. Time for our brief analysis of each fighter and then the verdict!

-Wields the Master Sword and Hylian Shield
-Often carries various tools and weapons including bows, boomerangs, and magical rods 
-Seems incapable of forming complete sentences
-Defends the land of Hyrule from the evil Gandondorf
-Pulls off the green tights look surprisingly well

-Armed with his trusty Megabuster weapon
-Capable of absorbing powers from his enemies
-Has gained several weapons from his defeated foes, including the Metal Blade, Atomic Fire, Black Hole Bomb, and Leaf Shield. Yea, evildoers, you don't mess with the freakin Leaf Shield.
-Super fighting robot! (For the unaware, check out this link:)

Megaman wins. Link's variety of tools and magical items can't quite match up to the more modern, ranged, and deadly weapons of the blue bomber. Look, if you've got a weapon that fires a black hole in the form of a bomb, I don't wanna mess with you. Or a Leaf Shield, that thing poses a serious risk of tickling someone. In all fairness, if you take away the arsenal Megaman gained from his vanquished enemies, Link would likely win. Thanks for reading!

My final thoughts: Ironic that the word "link" appears under Megaman's analysis section, huh? I promise it was unintentional.

Today in the life of a Jeremy: As per an ongoing New Year's resolution, I exercised! By lifting, uh.. small weights. With one arm. While watching videos on the internet. But then I switched to the other arm! Better than nothing, right?

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